Hair Care Tips for Brides for Their Big Day

A wedding is one of the most important events in a woman’s life as this could only (ideally) happen once. That is why it is a must for future brides to look and be at their best on their day.

Normally, it takes months or even years to prepare all of the things for the event. You’d have to decide on dresses or suits, venues, invitation cards, food-and the list goes on. But for the bride-to-be, the hairstyle is an equally important detail that cannot be missed. It has to be perfect, come the wedding day.

Here are important hair care tips for brides to achieve their ideal hair on their big day:

    *Befriend your hair. Knowing what type of hair one has is necessary to be able to use the proper products that can nourish and strengthen one’s strands. Whether it be oily, dry, or limp, every hair type needs to be taken cared of accordingly.

    *Be wary of hairstyling products. Straightening or curling irons, hair sprays, mousse, or gels-all of these must be used sparingly as the wedding day nears. As much as possible, keep the hair away from products or chemicals that are likely to cause damaging effects. It is important to keep the hair healthy to prepare it for the big day.

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Organic Elements of the Finest Hair Loss Treatment for Women

Today, the market is literally flooded with thousands and thousands of products for women with hair loss and hair thinning issues.

For years, new variations of hair lotions, shampoos, serums and conditioners have been created to sustain the growing needs of the millions of women who want to achieve thicker, fuller and healthier hair strands.

With a myriad of options to treat female hair loss, it is important to know that the best hair loss treatment for women is one that involves the use of organic-based or non-synthetic products.

Organic elements offer a safe yet efficient means of preventing the onset of hair loss as well as promoting healthier hair growth without the risk of adverse effects. That being said, it is necessary to choose products that are enriched with vitamins and herbs.

Also, a hair loss treatment for women that calls for the application of topical products with all-chemical content is to be avoided. Synthetic substances can heavily damage the hair, causing hair loss or hair thinning problems to worsen.

Read more on Organic Elements of the Finest Hair Loss Treatment for Women

Laser Hair Loss Treatment: Light Healing Technology for Hair Regrowth

Lasers - high-powered or not - are significant objects used for a variety of reasons. From military weapons to multimedia applications and even for the treatment of various forms of conditions, they are considered one of the most innovative and useful tools discovered by man.

Today, high-powered lasers are used to destroy hair follicles and remove unwanted hair, erase fine lines and wrinkles, get rid of birthmarks and sunspots, and to stitch up incisions in surgical operations.

On the other hand, low-powered lasers can be used to treat and prevent the onset of hair loss and hair thinning conditions. Although low-level laser hair loss treatment cannot treat extreme cases of hair loss like alopecia areata, studies show that at least in some cases of hair loss like androgenic alopecia or pattern baldness, this type of laser offers a serious method of preventing the further onset of the problem as well as encouraging healthier hair regrowth.

What is low-level laser hair loss treatment?

Laser therapy for hair loss makes use of low-intensity laser lights to rejuvenate dormant hair follicles and to stimulate the growth of healthier and stronger hair strands.

This ground-breaking treatment arouses cellular metabolism, rendering damaged cells to efficiently repair themselves. The methodology comes from the compressed beam rendered by the cold red part of the light spectrum that penetrates into the skin’s surface, stimulating the hair follicles’ mitochondria, thereby encouraging hair regrowth without causing damage to the tissues and cells.

Read more on Laser Hair Loss Treatment: Light Healing Technology for Hair Regrowth

How to Stop Hair Fall from Taking Its Course

This summer, we are all excited to plan our getaway in an exclusive villa or hotel with an amazing pool.

Due to prioritising the clothing ensemble that we are thinking of buying - from the sexy swimsuit to flaunt our lovely curves to a funky hat, a colourful scarf and a fashionable pair of sunglasses to protect our eyes - many of us forgo to give our hair some thought.

Yes, if you like to go swimming in the pool, you should know that the biggest precaution should be against hair damage. Indeed, certain steps need to be taken so that you can prevent having dry and brittle hair due to the harsh elements found in chlorinated water.

These hair care tips (fit for the summer season) will help you prevent hair damage and to stop hair fall from taking its course:

Read more on How to Stop Hair Fall from Taking Its Course

Common Hairstyles that Can Make You Bald

There are various factors that cause hair fall, hair loss and hair thinning problems. These hair loss causes range from heredity, ageing, underlying medical conditions, poor health habits, unhealthy lifestyle, infections and medications.

But do you know that there are certain popular hairstyles which can induce hair loss and hair thinning problems?

Indeed, there are certain hairstyles that paved the way for traction alopecia, a form of hair loss primarily due to the extreme force applied on the hair. The constant hair pulling over a long period of time may cause tension to the scalp and the hair follicles, leading to hair damage, or worse, hair loss and hair thinning condition.

Most people who are very fond of hairstyles such as tight ponytails and pigtails, cornrows and dreadlocks may experience hair loss due to the amount of stress applied to the scalp and the hair follicles.

Read more on Common Hairstyles that Can Make You Bald

Hair Loss Causes: How Bad Habits Affect Hair Quality

Hair fall, hair thinning and hair loss problems are a few of the conditions that all of us don’t want to experience or greatly dread.

Since our hair adds charm and beauty to our personality, the lack of it can make us look less desirable and years older, creating a devastating effect on our self-confidence and attitude towards life.

Indeed, losing our hair can make us lose our self-esteem in the process. It can create emotional constraints that can make us feel vulnerable and sad.

Hair loss and hair thinning problems are due to various factors. Some hair loss causes might be attributed to diseases, medications, infections, heredity and ageing. Still other causes are due to improper diet, poor hair care habits and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Smoking, drinking and over-styling the hair are poor lifestyle and hair care choices that cause hair loss and hair thinning problems in both men and women.

Read more on Hair Loss Causes: How Bad Habits Affect Hair Quality

The Connection between Hair Loss and Vitamin D

While most physicians recommend vitamin B for hair loss treatment, a recent study revealed a connection between hair loss and vitamin D deficiency.

In the said research, vitamin D is believed to have a great impact in the quality of the hair. However, the researchers did not conclude that vitamin D supplementation will lead to hair regrowth.

What Is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that aids bone growth and calcium absorption. Calcium is essential in the production of healthier hair strands. In fact, deficiency of calcium may cause hair dryness leading to damaged hair, or worse, hair loss and hair thinning problems.

Research Study on Mice

An article published in the medical journal Endocrinology revealed the results of a clinical test done on mice which were hereditarily programmed to be hairless. In the said clinical test, vitamin D3 analogs were found to help stimulate hair growth in the hairless mice.

The researchers revealed that the vitamin D3 compounds stimulated the formation of normal hair follicles in mice that would otherwise not grow any hair. With that, many scientists and hair experts believed that this clinical test could pave the way for a potential hair loss treatment of the future.

Read more on The Connection between Hair Loss and Vitamin D

Nutrient-rich Oyster Recipes for Healthier Tresses

Raw, smoked, baked, fried, roasted, stewed, steamed, or grilled oyster recipes not only serve as mouth-watering meals, but it also promotes healthy hair and body.

Since oysters are good sources of vitamins and minerals,  it offers various benefits for the growth of fuller, thicker, stronger and healthier hair strands. Packed with minerals (selenium, zinc and iron) as well as vitamins (A, B, C and D) oysters which are cooked in various ways can help in promoting healthier hair and body.

The following are various minerals and vitamins found in oysters, making it one of the most delicious foods that promote healthier mane.

Raw Oysters

According to, raw oysters contain a wide variety of essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C and pyridoxine (B6). It also contains 133 % of cobalamin (B-12) as well as small amounts of folate (B-9), thiamin (B-1), riboflavin (B-2) and pantothenic acid (B-5).

Raw oysters are also loaded with minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc and selenium which are all necessary elements needed for the growth of stronger, thicker and healthier hair strands.

Read more on Nutrient-rich Oyster Recipes for Healthier Tresses

Premature Hair Loss in Both Sexes: How DHT Connects

Premature hair loss refers to the condition in which the hair massively (abnormally) falls out or stops growing. It is considered premature because the phenomenon is divergent from that of the normal hair loss in the hair growth cycle.

There are several potential causes that bring about premature hair loss. The most common of which is that which results in permanent balding, otherwise medically called androgenetic alopecia or male/female pattern baldness.

Experts explain that genetics and androgens influence its occurrence, hence the name androgenetic alopecia (alopecia means hair loss).  But inherited tendency does not ensure that all the members in the family will lose their hair; neither does this factor imply that those who will suffer will follow the same pattern of hair loss, or that they will experience it at about the same time.

Because males and females have different hormonal makeup, pattern baldness manifests differently in both sexes. The basic visual difference between male and female pattern baldness is the pattern itself. In men, it shows as the total baldness on the top of the scalp although a band of hair on the sides and the back remains intact. In women, on the one hand, hair loss is not as severe as that in men. It is only actually the excessive hair thinning all over the scalp.

Read more on Premature Hair Loss in Both Sexes How DHT Connects

Leimo Hair Laser Starter Kit Skip the Trauma, End the Hair Loss Drama

Are you tired of all the hair loss drama? If so, you can skip the trauma of seeing tons of hair falling off your head with the new Leimo Hair Laser Starter Kit.

Today, you can start your journey towards better hair recovery with Leimo International’s suite of hair care products. This hair care system guarantees a safe and effective solution to stop the onslaught and progression of hair loss and hair thinning conditions.

The laser comb and the organic-based hair care products of the Leimo Hair Laser Starter Kit work hand in hand to provide a nutrition-optimal environment for healthier hair growth. This suite of hair care system is specifically created to help people fight the signs of hair fall and hair thinning conditions in 3 simple steps.

1. Cleanse and Condition the Scalp

Each of the Leimo Bio Cleansing Shampoo and the Leimo Thickening Conditioner cleanses pore-clogging grime, absorbs excess oil and conditions the hair follicles. It restores the scalp’s natural equilibrium, concurrently strengthening the hair follicles to create fuller and healthier hair strands. The Leimo Deep Cleansing Scalp & Body Scrub, on the other part, encourages the hair and skin’s normal regeneration process, bringing back its youthful and natural shine.

Read more on Leimo Hair Laser Starter Kit Skip the Trauma, End the Hair Loss Drama

Drug-Based Hair Balding Treatments Weighing the Pros and Cons

Who doesn’t want to win the fight against hair loss? While some people have embraced baldness for the rest of their lives,  most sufferers are in dire straits searching for the best hair balding treatments for them, if not for that one cure. Hair loss is not a shallow case of vanity, not even for a man. Especially for young sufferers, hair loss is a daily nightmare. Their horror stories are proofs that hair loss is something one can never understand until and unless one experiences it.

Sufferers can only hope for a cure. For the time being, they will only have to depend on some treatments available nowadays. This is an added distress as it is difficult to sort out which works, which doesn’t.


For both men and women, there is Minoxidil 5% and 2% respectively. Minoxidil is a strong topical solution causing vasodilatory effects, that in turn, stimulate miniaturized hair follicles to produce hair again. This drug is just two drug-based hair balding treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Read more on Drug-Based Hair Balding Treatments Weighing the Pros and Cons

The Hair Weathers, Too

Spending too much time in the wind and sun can cause your skin to weather. But do you know that that can happen to your hair too? Too much wind and sun exposure can cause structural damage to the hair. If you have seen a surfer’s hair that has been damaged and bleached by exposure to salt water and the sun, then you already have a good idea of what it means to have a weathered hair.

Weathered hair is a frayed hair. It does not only make you look older than your calendar age, it also diminishes your attractiveness. When the hair weathers, it only damages the hair shafts and not the follicles themselves.

Causes of Hair Weathering

Overtime, the structural proteins in the hair shafts will eventually break down so that the hair appears aged. This is the normal structural breakdown which can be accelerated by the following factors:

Read more on The Hair Weathers, Too

Natural and Safe Treatment Alternatives to Boost Hair Regrowth

Today, the market is flooded with thousands of hair loss products which claim to prevent the further onslaught of hair loss and hair thinning problems. However, majority of the people still prefer natural alternative methods to stop hair fall or hair loss and stimulate healthier hair regrowth.

Why? The answer is simple, most people opt for a natural hair loss treatment because this offers the safest and the cheapest way to stop hair fall or hair loss and prevent its recurrence. As opposed to commercialised hair loss products and surgical hair restoration, natural means of treating hair loss provides a non-invasive and non-medicated approach to stimulate thicker, fuller and healthier hair growth without the risk of adverse effects.

The following are four alternative solutions to stop hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth the natural way:

Read more on Natural and Safe Treatment Alternatives to Boost Hair Regrowth

2 Essential Guidelines for Finding the Best Hair Restoration Clinic

One of the most advanced procedures available for people suffering from hair loss is hair transplant surgery. However, finding the best hair restoration clinic and doctor who can do the job right is a serious undertaking.

Indeed, looking for the right hair clinic involves a great deal of time, effort and continuous research on our part. This is because hair transplantation is an extreme procedure wherein the ultimate result is something we have to live with for the rest of our lives. With that, it is crucial to choose the best hair transplant clinic that can generate a high-quality outcome.

The following are two essential guidelines to consider once you begin your search for the right hair clinic:

Read more on 2 Essential Guidelines for Finding the Best Hair Restoration Clinic

The Essence of Chamomile for Hair Care

The use of chamomile as an herbal medication can be traced back to ancient Greece and Egypt. This plant was used by priests as a means to rejuvenate the hair and skin. It was also used as an anti-fever medication.

For years, we have used the fragrant flowers of chamomile to cure ailments like stomachache; insomnia anxiety; and skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, chickenpox, and rashes.

Chamaemelum nobile (formerly Anthemis nobilis) or chamomile is native to Africa, Europe, and Asia. This low-growing perennial plant from the daisy family has been used to create teas to treat a number of health problems. The active ingredient found in chamomile is known as bisabolol, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, and anti-microbial properties.

Chamomile is available as an essential oil, which can be used for scalp massage to stimulate hair growth. Its extracts can also be added to any shampoo and conditioner to help retain the hair’s moisture.

Read more on The Essence of Chamomile for Hair Care

Leimo Laser Comb: Modern Hair Loss Treatment Alternative

The 21st century offers countless treatment options for individuals who suffer from hair loss. Some of these medications and hair loss remedies give good results while others give negative side effects. One of the best hair loss remedy that guarantees to achieve good result is through the use of lasers.

L.A.S.E.R. is the acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation. The laser emits a light whose feature (wavelength) is selected according to the area the doctor wishes to treat. Lasers are significant objects which are very useful in different ways.  They are used for cutting and creating incisions, for futuristic weaponry and even for healing purposes. 

In the field of medicine, lasers help treat the eye sight, to remove sunspots and birthmarks and to stitch up incisions for surgery. Just recently, lasers are gaining popularity by helping combat some of the causes of hair loss or baldness.

Laser Hair Therapy (LHT) is a non-surgical, scientific approach in the treatment of hair loss, thinning hair, and scalp problems that makes use of low lever laser light. Laser therapy is the application of light energy to achieve an ever-increasing number of clinical indications which includes wound healing in soft tissues, tendons and bone and improvement in local and systemic blood circulation.
Laser hair therapy in the form of the laser comb is now available in the market. This device is designed to be used by the general public in the comforts of their own home. The effectiveness of this laser device has long been established in Europe and other parts of the world for three decades.

One of the most efficient laser combs is created by the Leimo International. The Leimo Laser Comb is the world's first cordless take-home consumer device for hair loss prevention and hair care using Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) and Light Emitting Diode Therapy (LEDT).

The Leimo Laser Comb is a very safe and effective treatment for lifeless hair which also helps stimulate hair regrowth. The lasers used in Leimo are classified as non-significant risk lasers, which mean that it can safely be used by the public. The Leimo Laser Comb is also included on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods as a Class IIa medical device with the intended purpose of treating people with mild to moderate Androgenic or Androgenetic Alopecia.

The Leimo Laser comb is very convenient and easy to use. Using the laser comb is the same with regular combing; it only needs a little time and knowledge to be able to use it properly.
The laser comb can be a good alternative hair loss treatment solution rather than using oral and topical medicals which might trigger side effects. With this comb you are guaranteed to experience hair regrowth with no risk of side effects.