Drug-Based Hair Balding Treatments Weighing the Pros and Cons

Who doesn’t want to win the fight against hair loss? While some people have embraced baldness for the rest of their lives,  most sufferers are in dire straits searching for the best hair balding treatments for them, if not for that one cure. Hair loss is not a shallow case of vanity, not even for a man. Especially for young sufferers, hair loss is a daily nightmare. Their horror stories are proofs that hair loss is something one can never understand until and unless one experiences it.

Sufferers can only hope for a cure. For the time being, they will only have to depend on some treatments available nowadays. This is an added distress as it is difficult to sort out which works, which doesn’t.


For both men and women, there is Minoxidil 5% and 2% respectively. Minoxidil is a strong topical solution causing vasodilatory effects, that in turn, stimulate miniaturized hair follicles to produce hair again. This drug is just two drug-based hair balding treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Read more on Drug-Based Hair Balding Treatments Weighing the Pros and Cons

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